Human Feelings as Drugs
I’ve realized I had been witnessing for a long time a lack of feelings, those feeling that are at the base of human interaction, cooperation and well-being generally.
Although good human interactions and feelings always find a way to be expressed, the hectic lifestyle we are immersed in makes things more difficult, and the high stress levels sometimes lead people to find recovery using medications, pain-relief drugs and so on…
The high street market offers a complete range of drugs that should help people recovering from a huge variety of illnesses and their symptoms… but what if those symptoms were only a lack of satisfaction on a spiritual level?
I have created a series of alternative medicines, vials that contain concentrated amounts of human feelings and ways of interaction such as Love, Empathy, Peace…
I wish they could really work!…but my aim is to show them as a reminder of what sometimes are the only necessary things to live a better and brighter life.